Garden of healing
Earthwork / Sitework / Foundations / Concrete Curbs & Walks

Location: New Haven, CT
Construction Manager: City of New Haven Engineering.
The New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing was created by three mothers whose children were the victims of gun violence – it serves as a special place to remember and memorialize their loved ones. Organized by the Urban Resources Initiative and designed by Svigals + Partners, the park creates a place of reflection, hope and healing. As the prime contractor for this very meaningful project, Colossale was responsible for all the earthwork required to set the stage for the park’s layout. This also included putting in foundations for the sculptural components and chimes.
Once the earthwork was complete, we installed colored concrete curbs, sidewalks, laid in the brass-numbered date plates, laid the pavers, and built the stonewall. Fulfilling the vision of the mothers, the Urban Resources Initiative, and Svigals was of great importance to us – this was a truly collaborative project – everyone was in it together for a greater good. We worked diligently to be sure that all concepts translated into the real world. Some of the ideas needed to be tested on the fly and in the field. The decorative stone wall plaques containing quotes, was one example. There was no specification for them so we took the initiative to work up some samples and test installation concepts. We ran a few tests for them before arriving at a concept all stakeholders agreed upon.
Local volunteers helped with filling in the garden beds and on-going volunteer events will keep it maintained. Everyone’s good work and passion created a serene setting where those who lost their lives to gun violence will never be forgotten – and a better place where people can come together as a community has been created. We were honored to be a part of it
External Links & Articles :
New Haven Independent
Svigals + Partners (Design Architect)
Urban Resources Initiative