Ronald McDonald House
Sitework | Excavation | Advanced Shoring | Hardscapes | Sidewalks & Curbing
Location: New Haven
Contruction Manager: Petra Construction
Role: Sitework Contractor
The challenges we faced on this project were numerous: it was a tight site, had contaminated soils that needed to be remediated, utilities that needed to be tied into the street, and it was adjacent to Yale New Haven Children’s hospital across – a very busy place where pick-up/drop-off traffic could not be interrupted.
Because excavation was close to city sidewalks and streets, we implemented soil nailing technology for shoring and that ensured safety and security in and around the new building as it was constructed. The foundation for the new building was sizable and had a deep basement that required us to crane our equipment in and out for the excavation. We worked closely with the facilities team at the Children’s Hospital to coordinate scheduling for trade work in order to keep them minimally impacted throughout construction.
The end result is a park-like setting that offers comfort, care and ease of access to patients and their families – we were very proud to be a part of the team that created this enduring and healing space.
“Colossale was great to work with all the way – from the beginning to the end they set our mind at ease and were a key team member that made the project a success. Their heart was in it and they were exceptional as far as safety and working through the day-to-day site challenges.”