SCSU Sidewalks
Sitework | Utility & Drainage| Concrete Curbs & Walks
Location: New Haven, CT
Construction Manager: Skanska
Southern Connecticut State University’s new 94,750 sf Health and Human Services building, which welcomed its first students in August 2022, brings programs formerly dispersed through several buildings under one roof to improve collaborative learning opportunities while expanding enrollment capacity for nursing students.
We were responsible for all of the site concrete, stairs, ramps, seat walls, and curbing. Though the project began in the fall of ‘20, we were not able to begin work on the project until July of ‘21 due to pandemic delays. The condensed time frame required us to work through the winter (we usually don’t pour past November). The colder winter temperatures made the work much more challenging. We had to incorporate ground thaw heating units to warm the ground and implement chemicals in the concrete mixture, along with plastic coverings and thermal blankets to ensure it would cure properly. This took place over several days in December and January where temperatures rarely got above 35 degrees. The extra effort was successful in keeping the project on schedule – we were 95% complete by April ‘22 and were able to put finishing touches on the surfaces during the course of the summer. All was ready for the building to open its doors for the fall semester.