SCSU Sidewalks

SCSU Sidewalks

SCSU Sidewalks Sitework | Utility & Drainage| Concrete Curbs & Walks Location: New Haven, CT  Construction Manager: Skanska Southern Connecticut State University’s new 94,750 sf Health and Human Services building, which welcomed its first students in August 2022,...
Meriden School Pavilions

Meriden School Pavilions

Meriden School Pavilions Sitework | Excavation | Demolition | Stamped Concrete Pads   Location: Meriden, CT  Client: Meriden Public Schools If there was a silver lining for educators and students that came out of the Covid pandemic, it was thinking outside the box...
Silas Deane Streetscape

Silas Deane Streetscape

Silas Deane Streetscape Sitework | Excavation | Advanced Shoring | Hardscapes | Sidewalks & Curbing Location: Rocky Hill, CT  Construction Manager: BL Companies This project for the Town of Rocky Hill created significant pedestrian improvements to a half mile stretch...
Garden of Healing

Garden of Healing

Garden of healing Earthwork / Sitework / Foundations / Concrete Curbs & Walks Location: New Haven, CT Construction Manager: City of New Haven Engineering. The New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing was created by three mothers whose children were the victims of gun...
CCSU Barnard Hall

CCSU Barnard Hall

CCSU Barnard Hall Addition / Sitework / Utility & Drainage / Concrete Curbs & Walks Location: New Britan, CT Construction Manager: KBE Building Co. The newly upgraded Barnard Hall renovations and addition make it the heart of the School of Education and Professional...